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Facing the Storm 

While in conversation this week with my husband, just catching up from all the “stuff” going on, I noticed there’s so many life changing and significant things happening in our country right now. The obvious ones are the hurricanes (Harvey & Irma), but there’s also massive wildfires in several states, a huge earthquake in Mexico, I could keep going but you guys get the picture. We’ve got political junk going on, news media lying left and right, confused people causing and participating in riots….just lots of madness seems to be everywhere. There just seems to be this heavy fog or burden weighing us all down and that in itself can be exhausting.
However, the reaction of many great Americans last week in Texas was phenomenal, absolutely restored my faith in the people of this amazing country. People from all over the country sacrificing their time, money, resources and safety to rescue complete strangers is what makes me proud to be an American. After watching all these people pulling boat after boat to go save some people they don’t even know, I was ready to go borrow a boat and go down there myself!! All of it is so inspiring.

Just yesterday my husband was telling me about this neat meme he saw. F.E.A.R.- Forget Everything And Run or Face Everything And Rise……….did you goose bumps like I did? Now, don’t get me wrong there’s a time and a place for both of those. Most people should be forgetting everything and running from these hurricanes, but without those who rise and face it, so many more people, families and animals wouldn’t be alive today. With all the junk going on like I mentioned above, to still know there are good, noble, brave people out there makes me feel like it’s not as bad as it seems. We all have some good in us and it’s times like these that it shows.

This F.E.A.R acronym can apply to so many different situations and to all people. It could be a serious illness that you’re facing, or a failing marriage, maybe it’s severe depression, or just the stress of life. We all have to decide whether to forget and run or face it and rise. I hope I can always face it and rise when it’s necessary. Well, except for those times when we do need to run, like these hurricanes for instance.

I know this is a overly simplistic view, but it really struck a chord with me and I hope it does with you too. Be careful out there folks!

encouragement · Encouraging, Scripture · friendship · inspiration · Scripture

Growing in Friendship

Confession time…I’ve always been the type to hold a little back, to be cautious, to have boundaries and walls, especially when pertaining to friendships and really all relationships. Except for my husband, I can honestly say there are maybe only one or two people who know my leanings, inner thoughts and raw feelings. Keeping people a little at a distance has always seemed safer to me, protects me I guess. However, a while back some good friends of mine moved. I seriously love these guys. They probably don’t even realize the depth of my caring for them (due to my keeping a distance), but through this process of change I have found a place that needs to be opened up and shared a bit. It’s new, bigger place for friendships and really all relationships for that matter. It doesn’t come naturally though, but with some focus and intention, there will be plenty of people to bless and be called friends. I’ve decided to love the way God intended me to…with an open heart and open arms, no more walls or fear of rejection or of being hurt. How can any of us possibly fulfill what we’re called to do, if we’re closed off from the world around us?

Ecclesiastes 4:9-10 Two are better than one, because they have a good return for their work: If one falls down, his friend can help him up. But pity the man who falls and has no one to help him up!

While my friends’ leaving hurt and I sorely miss them, somehow, this thing that I’ve always been afraid of has made me realize the love I have passed up and that I have refused to give love to others. There’s a silver lining though, I know now not to take people for granted and there’s no time like the present to embrace a fresh opportunity. Imagine a world where we all are being the friend that we want others to be to us.

Don’t get me wrong, you can’t be everyone’s best friend or even possibly handle all the different personalities out there. Also, you can’t let people use you or in any way bully you…never ever is there room in your life for that. I tell my kiddos all the time to remember The Golden Rule. One thing I know about getting older, especially when I see my own children getting older, is there’s no time to waste. With that said…take some time today and be a good friend. It’s ok to be honest, open and caring with those who are in your life.

Luke 6:31-Do to others as you would have them do to you.