encouragement · Food · health · Keto · Wellness

Kissing Grains Goodbye

Most everyone who keeps up with me in any way, knows that I have been implementing the Ketogenic Diet for the past 8 months.  I have lost 37 pounds and, most importantly to me, I have seen a marked improvement in some areas of my physical health that have caused me discomfort and sometimes even misery for many, many years.  It’s been life-changing for sure!

Over the course of these past 8 months of eating an extremely low amount of carbs, and having basically eliminated all consumption of grains from my diet, I have come to realize that grains have been the culprit of much suffering throughout my life.  I grew up in the Deep South, and I have always eaten a hugely grain-saturated diet:  corn, rice, and wheat out the wazoo!  Eliminating these things has promoted an overall healing in my body that I truly never believed would take place.  I have had stomach issues for my entire life, y’all:  gas, bloating, diarrhea, constipation, and yes even hemorrhoidal issues (which is an effect of many years of bowel issues).  I know that’s somewhat personal information…but health is personal!  If we don’t share our challenges and victories in these areas, no one will ever be able to benefit from our own trials and errors!  So…I’m not sorry for that little “overshare.”

Moving on though…

So how do I know grains are the problem?  Well, this leads me to a quick confession time.  Like I stated before, I’ve been on the Ketogenic Diet for quite some time now, (for more information on that, click here), but for the past two weeks I have not been a smart girl and I have had little bits of sugar and carbs here and there.  I kept thinking, “It’s not a big deal now that I am pretty much just in maintenance mode.”  However, it turns out that it is a big deal.  In these last couple of weeks I have consistently made small, yet impactful, bad decisions in my eating…and it’s been painfully clear that the common denominator has been…yep you guessed it…grains.  The process of elimination is a tried and true method for figuring things out in every aspect of life, and it is the number one way to find out an allergy or sensitivity on your own.  These two weeks have been eye-opening for me, and so here I come straggling down the road…a prodigal daughter…home…back to what I know is right for me:  grain-free.

When I began to realize that something I was consuming was actually harming me, I had to figure out what it was.  Was it sugar, or was it grains?  So, as I always do, I began to research.  First I looked into gluten allergy and/or sensitivity.  My findings were somewhat similar to what I was experiencing, but not quite the answer I was looking to discover.  I needed to know what would cause my:

  • itchy, red patches of skin (eczema)
  • cystic acne
  • sinus congestion and drainage
  • hormonal imbalance (unbearable periods and out of control PMS)
  • bloating and water retention all over my body
  • gastrointestinal upset
  • fatigue
  • mood changes (feeling depressed for no specific reason)
  • unexplained physical pain (much like Fibromyalgia)
  • migraines

So the next thing I researched was wheat allergy.  Again, not quite right.  So that’s when I came across resource after resource on grain sensitivity.  Ding, ding, ding!  We have a winner!  I was pleasantly surprised to find my perpetrator so quickly, but then I began to think about all of the foods I must eliminate for the rest of my life…if I truly want to feel well and truly thrive…and I must admit, for this foodie, it was somewhat depressing.  You see, when I began the Ketogenic Diet, I always had this mindset that I could reintroduce some foods once I’d hit my goal weight and made some great strides with my overall health.  I wanted to reset my body, and that’s exactly what I did.  I have learned so much about eating clean and how we truly are what we eat.  Going Keto taught me that.  Even if you don’t want to do the full-on Keto way of eating, I think it’s beneficial for everyone to limit carbs and to go organic!  However, I don’t think I realized (until now) what an impact grains had been having on my body all of my life.  They are not something that I can, in good faith, ever reintroduce into my diet if I want to feel great.  Admittedly, it’s kind of aggravating to know that there are some foods that I was raised on which are no longer options for me…unless I think it’s worth the havoc I know it will wreak on my system.  If I’m honest, I’m sure there will be times when I will falter, yet again, and put myself through unnecessary distress…but now that I am aware and certain, I will be making educated decisions about what goes into my body and how it will make me feel.  Ultimately, how I feel in the long-run is much more important than how I feel in the now.  

As always, I am sharing the resources that I found in my investigation.  I think it’s important to share, share, share when it comes to health education.  When we find something helpful, it’s almost immoral to keep it to ourselves…don’t you think?  So here are a few links to some articles that were interesting and valuable to me in my quest.

  1. Grains Beyond Wheat
  2. How do I know if I’m sensitive to grains?
  3. Why Grains are Such a Problem
  4. The Problem with Grains and Legumes

So, as I sit here writing this…a bloated, moody mess…with a residual stomachache and headache…with itchy skin…enduring PMS from hell…and trying to breathe through one nostril because of nasal congestion…I am reminding myself that today is a new day, and I am promising my body that I have hit my own proverbial “reset button.”  I am kissing grains goodbye, y’all.

If you are, or someone you know is, experiencing these same issues and you think it may be grains, I encourage you to do a little trial and error experiment of your own.  Take your health back…empower someone else to do the same!  Life is too important to spend it feeling like crap!

 As always, feel free to share!  Thanks, y’all!

encouragement · Food · Keto · Weight Loss · Wellness

Keto…Thus Far…

When I first changed over to the Ketogenic Diet, I did so purely on my own.  I didn’t have help, or anyone’s brain to pick about it.  I just had to sort of figure things out as I went.  A couple of months back, I posted a how-to article for those interested in this way of eating, aka “WOE.”  (You can access that article by clicking here.)  Since that time, I have had even more success with weight loss and health benefits from living a clean, ketogenic lifestyle.

I began this journey on March 8, 2017.  Since then I have lost 30 pounds, and I have shed 15 inches overall from my body.  I am still not quite to my goal size/weight, but I am well on my way (just 20 pounds shy of my official goal).  Along with the fat loss, I have experienced some desired results with my hormones and with my issues due to PCOS and Adenomyosis symptoms.  I am experiencing regular, and much lighter periods, with much less pain than ever before.  I feel like I am having somewhat “normal” periods for the first time in many, many years, I haven’t had a migraine since May, and the all-over shooting pain that I would have for two weeks of every month has completely disappeared from my life…and I know that this is all because of Keto…namely, the absence of wheat and grain from my diet!

Going Keto hasn’t been a seamless effort, as I have had to learn by trial and error, doing a ton of “Googling” in the midst of it all, but I do feel that I have finally got this thing mastered.  So, I wanted to just take a little time to share my victories, failures, and the lessons learned from all of it, with those of you who may be on a similar journey and could use some tips to help you along your way.

  1. Meals:  The most important part of this lifestyle is finding some easy, delicious, go-to recipes.  I have a Pinterest board dedicated solely to this WOE, and there are endless amount of Keto recipes, but I have a few that are tried and true that I am sharing below in the “links” with y’all today.  However, I do like to keep things as simple as I possibly can with meals.  The more complicated and stressful a “diet” is, the more likely we are to just give up on it, right?  So how do you keep it simple with Keto?  Two things:  meat and veggies.  Refer to your favorite Keto food list (click here to access mine), choose a meat and a few vegetables, and cook them up your favorite way.  I prefer tossing my veggies in some olive oil, salt, pepper and garlic, and oven roasting them until they are little crispy.  Sometimes I take them out a little early, grate some fresh parmesan or cheddar cheese on top and return them to to oven for the last 5 minutes or so.  Delicious…every time!  For meats, you can grill them, pan sear them, roast in the oven, slow cook in a crock pot…really just whatever suits your time-frame and your palate.  Figure out what works best for you and stick with it.  Be creative with herbs and spices too!  Don’t be afraid to season, season, season!  And don’t forget, butter is your friend (a pan seared steak with butter and herbs is a favorite around here)!
  2. Plateaus/Stalls:  Know this right now…and just go ahead and accept it…prepare for it…you WILL stall out from time to time.  I have had two or three periods of days and even weeks where I lost absolutely no weight whatsoever.  I have even fluctuated up to 7 pounds up then back down to my current low within a week.  This is why, even though weighing yourself is important and gives you a feel for what foods will make you retain water and feel bloated, you can’t always trust in the honesty of the scale.  It doesn’t always reflect your fat loss.  Keep eating within your macros, consume clean food choices, and stay active.  You will absolutely see results both on and off of the scale!  I promise!  There is something called a “whoosh” that takes place after a stall almost every time, and if you just hang on and trust the process, you will get your “whoosh” and feel that gratification you need to stay motivated!  (Click here to read more about this.)
  3. Intermittent Fasting:  I started practicing intermittent fasting to get over my first stall, and when I realized how easy it was for me to do, I decided to do it most days.  I have never been one to want to eat anything at all before lunch, and I have always hated feeling like I have to force myself to eat when I am not necessarily hungry yet, so this system works very well for me in my daily life.  However, if you are one that wakes up hungry, this may simply be a discipline that you will want to employ when you need to get past a hump in your weight loss journey.  Basically, you just stop eating for a 12-16 hour period of time and allow the remainder window of time for your calorie consumption for the entire day.  So, I take the last time that I ate in the evening, and I don’t eat for the next 12-16 hours.  It is quite easy to do, because this type of fast happens mostly when you are asleep overnight.  Anything over 50 calories will break a fast, so usually what I do each morning is have a cup of coffee with some heavy whipping cream in it (which is less than 50 calories).  That is all I need, plus lots of water, until I begin eating around noon or so.  For an even better explanation of IF, click here.
  4. Cheating:  I feel compelled to stress to you…DO NOT CHEAT!  It is almost never worth it.  It will most assuredly cause you gastrointestinal upset, bloating, water weight gain, lots of discouragement, and make you have some serious cravings for sugar and carbs!  However, let’s be honest and realistic here…cheating happens.  When it does, the best thing to do is get a good fast in, and jump back on the Keto train.  Don’t let it get you down…even if the scale goes up some.  It isn’t fat gain…just water.  Remember that.  Also please note:  IF YOU HAVE A REGULAR CHEAT DAY EACH WEEK YOU ARE NOT LIVING A KETO LIFESTYLE.  DON’T CLAIM IT IF YOU AREN’T GOING TO LIVE IT!!  JUST CONSIDER YOURSELF EATING LOW-CARB AND GO ON WITH YOUR LIFE.  Keto is short for “KETOSIS” and if you are cheating regularly, there is no possible way you are staying in Ketosis or becoming fat adapted.  Kinda defeats the purpose…don’t you think?
  5. Eating Out:  I’m here to tell it…eating at restaurants can be Keto friendly!  You just have to be careful about ingredients (less is more), and steer clear of foods that have sauces, rubs, and glazes.  Grilled meats (especially fish) are a safe bet, and a Caesar salad and/or some steamed or grilled veggies.  At a Mexican restaurant, a great option is fajitas.  Just make sure you tell them no beans, no rice, and no tortillas.  Get your fork and some hot sauce and dig in!
  6. Snacking:  People always ask me what I eat for snacks.  Truth be told, I don’t do a ton of snacking, but when I do get the yen for something between meals, or in the evenings, I have some favorites:
    • pork rinds dipped in sour cream or guacamole
    • uncured beef sticks, salami, ham, pepperoni (etc.)
    • dill pickles
    • full fat cheeses
    • roasted, salted almonds
    • peanut butter
    • berries
  7. NSVs:  Non-Scale Victories – events that make you feel confident and motivated…even when the scale isn’t moving.  Examples:  before and after pics, smaller clothing sizes, compliments, overcoming cravings, turning down junk at parties and such…  These victories are vital to your success, because the scale sometimes lies to us.  Make sure you share these NSVs with friends and family.  Give yourself those well-deserved pats on the back as often as you can!
  8. Recipe Links:

I would also like to link you over to my Keto pin board on Pinterest.  Click here to visit it.  There are tons more recipes that I have saved, as well as a lot of great Keto advice articles.  I am constantly adding to my board, so follow if you want.

Also, Stephanie (Nitty) and I (Gritty) had recently posted a blog detailing our successful endeavor into a few Keto recipes that looked good to us.  You can access that by clicking here.

I hope this update has been of some help, and (as always) feel free to contact me with any questions you may have about this way of life.  Also, like and share on social medias, please and thank you!

I am still on this journey of mine, so I am sure there will be more updates in the future.  So stay tuned!  Keto on!!


Food · Keto · Weight Loss

Keto…when you wanna cheat-o!

Hey there everyone!  Has anyone else been craving carby-goodies lately?  Sometimes a girl just wants a greasy slice of pizza…or a gooey cinnamon roll!!  Well this week, we (Nitty & Gritty) decided to do a collaborative post that might help you out with your yen for some junk food.  We got together and made a fantastic Keto friendly meal…even dessert…and it was so good that we wanted to share it with y’all.  (In case you don’t know what Keto is, click here to read more on it, but basically it is a very low carb, high fat way of eating that will help you lose weight and correct some health issues that you may be having.)

Both us have been seriously craving pizza lately, so we took to Pinterest and found a pizza crust recipe that is not only Keto approved, but it also looked fairly easy to prepare, and came with some great reviews.  We made an Amish Broccoli Salad for a side, and then we finished the whole thing off with some low-carb (yes, also Keto approved) cinnamon rolls.  So, below we have shared each recipe, step-by-step, with pictures and everything.  We made it all from scratch, and we ate it up…because it was so delicious.  🙂

1.  Amish Broccoli Salad


This salad is a people pleaser.  It is seriously delicious…and you won’t be able to stay out of it!  Pictured above are the ingredients that we used to make ours.  We have listed them below, followed by the how-to instructions.  Enjoy!


  • 2 bags fresh broccoli/cauliflower medley (cut into bite-sized pieces)
  • 1 package uncured bacon (fried crisp and crumbled)
  • 1/2 large red onion (diced)
  • 1 brick of sharp cheddar cheese (cubed into bite-sized pieces)


  • 2 TBSP white distilled vinegar
  • 1 cup mayonnaise
  • 1/2 tsp. Pyure sweetener (possibly a little more)


Toss the salad ingredients until everything is evenly distributed.  In a small, separate bowl, whisk together mayonnaise and vinegar until smooth.  Next add in the sweetener, tasting to see if it is to your liking.  If it isn’t sweet enough, add a bit more sweetener.  After you get the dressing mixed up, simply put it in with the salad and toss it all until everything is coated well.  Please note, we made a little extra dressing for our salad, because we thought it needed more.  So just do your own thing and make it how you want it.  You can also add shelled sunflower seeds and nuts if you want.



2.  Fat Head Pizza

(We don’t know WHY it’s called Fat Head!!)


Above is a picture of everything we used to make our pizza.  We have listed the crust ingredients below, but the toppings are purely up to your preference.  We used green bell pepper, red onion, bacon (uncured – cooked and crumbled), and hard salami (cut into chunks).

Fat Head Crust:

  • 1 1/2 cups shredded Mozzarella (we used whole milk mozzarella, as pictured above)
  • 3/4 cup almond flour (we used Bob’s Red Mill brand)
  • 2 TBSP cream cheese, softened (Philadelphia, of course – and it does make a difference)
  • 1 egg, beaten
  • 1-2 tsp. garlic powder*
  • 1 tsp. onion powder*
  • 1 tsp. Italian seasoning*

*The seasonings are not set in stone.  You may use as much or as little as you want, or leave them out completely.  It’s your pizza, so make it how you would like it to taste.

To make the crust, start with the cheeses.  Measure both the mozzarella and the cream cheeses into a medium sized microwave safe bowl.


Microwave for 1 minute, stir, and then microwave for another 30 seconds.  If your cheese is stringy, you need to microwave for another 30 seconds until it is a dough-like consistency.


Stir in egg , almond flour, and seasonings.


Wet your hands and spread the dough thin and evenly onto a parchment-lined cookie sheet.  Use a fork to poke air holes into the dough, then place into a preheated 425 degree oven.  Bake for 8 minutes.  Remove from oven, and add your desired toppings.


Then continue baking for another 6-8 minutes, or until your pizza is a golden brown and all toppings are cooked and cheese is melted evenly.


Building Your Pizza:

  1. When you remove your crust from the oven after the initial 8 minutes, you will want to start with your sauce.  Try to find the sauce that has the least amount of carbs.  We used Simply Nature Organic Marinara, with a net of 5 carbs per 1/2 cup.  Spread your sauce evenly over crust.
  2. Next, you’ll want some more mozzarella to sprinkle over your sauce.  We suggest getting a separate bag of cheese for topping your pizza.
  3. Finally, top with the meats and/or veggies of your choosing and sprinkle with more cheese!

3. Fat Head Cinnamon Rolls


Fat Head Cinnamon Roll Crust:

  • 3 1/2 cups shredded mozzarella (we used the same cheese that we did in the pizza crust – whole milk mozzarella)
  • 1 1/2 cups almond flour (Bob’s Red Mill again)
  • 4 TBSP cream cheese, softened (Philadelphia is the best)
  • 2 eggs, beaten
  • 1/2 cup of Pyure brand sweetener (this is a Stevia/erythritol blend, and it is far superior to any other sweetener that we have tried…highly recommended)

To make dough, in a large bowl melt the mozzarella cheese for 1 minute in the microwave and stir.  If it is still stringy, microwave for another 30 seconds and stir.  Continue to do so in 30 second increments until is it melted and at a doughy consistency.


Next, add cream cheese, almond flour, eggs, and sweetener.


Mix until everything is incorporated.  You have to really work it in, but keep at it.  It may get stringy while you are mixing, if so, pop it in the microwave for another 20-30 seconds to get it back to that melted, dough consistency.

Spread the dough into a rectangle, onto a parchment lined cookie sheet.  It should be a little thicker than your pizza dough, but not so thick that you can’t roll it.


  • 2 TBSP ground cinnamon
  • 1/2 cup (one stick) butter, softened
  • 1/2 cup Pyure sweetener

Spread the softened butter evenly over the dough.  Next, sprinkle the cinnamon and sweetener (that has already been combined) over the butter.


Next, roll the dough length-wise into a log.  Try not to tear the dough, and then seal the edge.  Slice the log into approximately 12 spirals.  Place them in a lightly greased, round, 9-inch cake pan.  They will be touching on all sides.  Any excess filling that squeezes out during the rolling, can be spread over the top of the spirals after you get them in the pan.


Bake for 15-20 minutes at 375 degrees, until the rolls are a golden brown.  We had to bake them much longer than this time.  It was more like 30 minutes.  Just make sure you keep an eye on them after 15 minutes or so.



  • 4 TBSP cream cheese, softened
  • 1 tsp. vanilla extract
  • Pyure sweetener (to taste and desired consistency)

Mix together with a spoon or fork, adding sweetener as you go, tasting after each addition.  When you have it like you want it, spread over warm rolls (still in the pan).


We are so sorry there aren’t any pictures of them on plates, but we scarfed them down before that ever even crossed our minds!  We just want to add, also, that the kids in the house gobbled them up!  They were asking for more, and had no idea that this was a sugar-free, low-carb treat!


Well that concludes the breakdown of our night of Keto indulgence.  We hope that if you are like us, craving things you miss eating from time to time, you will find it easy to make some of these goodies for yourself and get cheating off of your brain!  This stuff is seriously delicious!  We give it all 4 thumbs up!

As always, please like and share our blog!  Keto on!

Keto · Weight Loss · Wellness

That Weird Keto Thing

I have been flooded with questions over the last couple of months about it, so I wanted to take a few minutes of your time to share a little about Keto and how it has changed (and is currently changing) my life.  So, for those of you who are intrigued, I have answered a few questions, and shared some of my own insights and tidbits, in hopes that the information will better explain this thing that has made such a huge difference in my personal journey to better health.

  1. What the heck is Keto?

“Keto” is short for “ketogenic.”  It is an alternative way of eating (WOE) that can and will reverse many negative health issues, many of which are either a result of weight gain or the cause of weight gain.  The Ketogenic Diet (I hesitate to even call it a diet, but that’s the official title of this WOE) is a diet that tends to promote the metabolic formation of ketone bodies by causing the body to use fat (rather than carbohydrates) as its principal energy source.  In short, you are eating in a way that will cause your body to begin to burn through its fat stores, resulting in successful loss of body fat.  This WOE is basically the elimination of most carbs and sugars from your diet.  It is recommended that you keep track of your nutrients in order to maintain your desired protein, carbohydrate, and fat levels.  I use the Lose It! app (which is FREE) on my smart phone.  Below is a picture of my macros nutrients on a good day (and yes, I have had my bad days for sure):


This is helpful to do, especially at first when you are getting used to the changes you are making, but it isn’t necessary in order to be successful.  As long as you keep those carbs and sugars super low, you’ll see results.  

  1. Why do I do Keto?

Over the past several years, I have been in quite a battle with my hormones due to a condition called Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS).  I was first diagnosed with this problem in 2013, but I suffered with its symptoms far earlier than that.

Ever since I was about 26 (I am now 36), I have dealt with the adverse effects of PCOS.  Some of the oppressive things that I have endured are:  excess facial hair (yep…I’m talking about whiskers…yuck), cystic acne, secondary infertility, debilitating and irregular periods, migraines and cluster headaches, fatigueextreme mood swings due to Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder (PMDD), and weight gain — all of which have been a huge blow not only to my self-esteem and confidence, but also to my ability to lead a healthy life.

I tried taking continuous birth control, which was recommended by my doctor.  I did that for about a year, and at first it really seemed to be the answer.  I stopped having periods altogether, my skin cleared up, and I felt like myself again.  But after about 6 months, I began to notice things that did not make me happy at all.  The mood swings returned and were worse than ever.  I also picked up about 25 pounds, which made me feel even worse.  I decided to endure and give it an entire year, but I just felt worse and worse.  So I decided to come off of the hormones, attempting to just grin and bear it.  From that point, I just let myself hover in maintenance mode…and my skin was a wreck (I had perfect skin as a teenager, so this was very difficult for me)!  It had really become quite the helpless situation for me, because I seem to have tried just about everything that I could…barring a complete hysterectomy (which my doctor does not want to do before I turn 40).

Well, if you know me, then you have probably come to realize that I am somewhat of a control freak.  I don’t like feeling helpless and out of control.  I am proactive and independent, so helplessness is misery for me!  Well, after about 2 years of being in this misery, I decided I was done!  I logged into Pinterest and began searching for information on how to naturally heal PCOS.  Over and over, this Keto thing kept popping up.  So, being the curious cat that I am, I started reading about it.  Everything I read seemed to say the same thing:  a Keto diet can heal your body.  So, about 2 months ago, I decided to go for it.  For me, it was worth the try…and it has been life-changing, as I have said already!

  1. My results so far:
  • Clearer skin!
  • Way less whiskers!
  • 14 pounds GONE!
  • No more stomach issues, bloating, migraines, body aches, sluggishness, brain fog, extreme mood swings! (This excludes the few times that I have “cheated” and suffered the consequences. I do NOT recommend cheating…ever!)
  • Confidence!
  1. Is Keto safe?

If you are a diabetic on medication, pregnant and/or breastfeeding, or if you are on medication(s) for mental health, cholesterol or blood pressure, you should talk to your doctor about making any extreme dietary changes.

If you are simply overweight, or dealing with issues that are not being treated regularly by a physician and medication, then it is perfectly safe and will most likely begin to heal your body from the inside out!

  1. What Keto can do for you:
  • weight loss
  • reverse Type 2 Diabetes
  • increase mental clarity and focus
  • better physical endurance and stamina
  • control of Epilepsy
  • lower blood pressure
  • reduce or eliminate acne
  • calm gastrointestinal upset and digestive issues
  • no more sugar cravings
  • reverse PCOS
  • less migraines (if any at all)
  1. Tips on how to get started and be successful with Keto:
  • Just start. Don’t stress over making some huge grocery list and buying everything you need in one go.  Just go with what you can, and KEEP IT SIMPLE!
  • Be prepared for “Negative Nellies.”  Many people cannot wrap their brains around this WOE.  They  have been brainwashed into thinking that fat is bad.  Just nod and smile…and Keto on!
  • Never eat anything that says “Low Fat” on the label!  It will be chock full of sugar and other harmful fillers.
  • Buy grass-fed and organic meats as much as possible.  There truly is a taste difference.
  • DO NOT DRINK DIET SODA!!!!  That stuff is poison!  Stick with water, sparkling water, coffee, and unsweetened teas.
  • Find a sweetener that you like:  Stevia, Monkfruit, Swerve, and Erythritol are the best ones on the market, and they are all natural.  My personal favorite is Monkfruit in the Raw.
  • Weigh yourself and take your measurements (I do bust, waist, hips, upper arms, thighs and calves) once a week. Make sure you weigh first thing in the morning, after you go to the bathroom, wearing no clothes.  (I admittedly weigh myself obsessively, which is not the best idea, but I do anyway…because I’m obsessed!) Record it weekly.  If you keep track of your progress this way, it will help keep you motivated, and you’ll also be quicker to notice when you stall and need to make some more changes.
  • Keep your carbs between 20-30 grams a day.  Don’t stress over the fat and protein so much, as long as you are consuming fats when you get hungry.  Save protein and carbs for meals!
  • DRINK WATER!!!  (Lots of it!  ‘Nuff said!)
  • Keto-friendly foods:

keto food list

  • A few must-haves
    • Coconut Oil – Virgin, Unrefined (I buy Spectrum brand):coconut oil
    •  MCT Oil (I use Wild brand, which I ordered on Amazon):mct oil
    • Grass-fed Butter (It is pricier than regular old butter, but Kerrygold is the butter to beat them all!  Irish butter that you can eat on it’s own…nothing like it!  You can get this anywhere, too):  kerrygold
    •  Eggs, Avocados, Bacon (uncured is best), Cream and Cottage Cheeses (always full fat), Heavy Whipping Cream (for recipes galore, and for a creamy addition to an afternoon cup of coffee), Peanut Butter (technically, peanuts are not recommended, but I love it and I keep it to a minimum.  It hasn’t stopped my progress at all, and it’s a great way for me to get a quick snack!  Other nut butters are a great option as well.), Pork Skins (plain are best…be careful of hidden sugars in the flavored ones – Kroger and Aldi brands do not have added sugars), and Whole Milk Plain Greek Yogurt (great as a dip for veggies or pork rinds, or to throw some berries in for something sweet from time to time).
    • If you are a coffee drinker, I suggest looking into drinking Bullet Proof Coffee (BPC) in the mornings.  You simply brew your favorite coffee (I recommend Caribou,  Seattle’s Best, or Starbucks – medium roast), throw it in a blender with a Tbsp, each of Coconut Oil, MCT Oil, and Grass-fed Butter, and blend until foamy.  This is an excellent way to boost brain activity and kick-start your energy levels.  Plus, it gets some of those healthy fats in first thing each day.  It sounds weird, but it tastes a lot like a creamy latte.
    • If you are a dark chocolate lover, I have found two kinds of dark chocolate that are Keto friendly and have smooth flavor: Lindt Excellence 90% Cocoa  (this one you can find most anywhere) and Moser Roth Premium 85% Cocoa (you can find this one at Aldi stores).

lindtmoser roth

  • Ketone Test Strips (I ordered mine on Amazon, but you can find them at most   pharmacies and grocers). These are used to check your ketone levels from time to   time just to help make sure you’re on track.  This is what a test strip should look like when you’re in  ketosis:


  • A Good Digital Scale (I prefer digital because it’s easy to read.)
  • A Measuring Tape (Just a simple seamstress tape works best.  Don’t use the metal ones!  Ouch!)
  1. Support (Helpful Links): (the titles below are links…so just click on them)
  • The Diet Doctor: This website was my introduction to Keto and is what helped me get started.  Take some time to pay it a visit!
  • My Pinterest “Ketogenic Diet” Board: This a compilation of recipes and helpful blogs/websites that I have found via Pinterest.  Have fun perusing it all.  I have tried many of the recipes and will continue to test them out over the coming months.  (I’ll be posting about them!)
  • “Adapting to Keto” Facebook Group: A friend recommended this group to me, and I am so grateful because it has been a source of endless support and encouragement from people who are also just trying to better themselves.  We share recipes, tips, successes, failures, and tons of before/after pics…all of which are very inspiring!

For now, I think this just about covers the basics of Keto.  I hope this post has been helpful to some of you.  I am sure I’ve left some things out, as there is a lot that I have learned in the past few months!  However, I will continue to make posts about my progress and the new things that I find and learn on my journey…so stay tuned!  Feel free to ask me anything, and I will find your answer!  Also, please do me a solid and share…share…SHARE!  And, as always, Keto on, y’all!  God Bless!