Camping · DIY · inspiration · Renovation · RV

Not-So-Happy Camper

It was to be a wonderful memory making machine. Yes, we bought a camper. We dove in head first, bit the bullet, jumped in with both feet..however you want to say it, we bought it. Now, let me clarify that it’s not a brand new shiney, turnkey, off the lot new camper. It’s an older hybrid style camper with a slide out and full bath. We wanted an affordable camper with no payments and one that our kids could have fun in and us not completely be on to them about messing it up. I mean camping should involve swimming, fishing, hiking, dirt, bonfires and good food right? My point is we were looking for a good used camper for our family to try out this camping thing.

Fast forward to a good deal with a seemingly trustworthy guy who had an answer for everything and here we are with an unexpected project. Turns out the floors were rotted under the peel-n-stick tile along with rotted support beams and a busted hose. There’s more, the seals are rotted, it needs some repairs to the seal trim edges on the outside, new tires and rims, the roof needs a major cleaning and conditioning, all cabinets need painting and new fabrics all through out…….not to mention a good cleaning from top to bottom.


I should explain that we have zero camper/rv experience and an equivalent amount of renovation experience to match. Soooo, step one was to take a deep breath and let it all sink in that this is just a camper and not our home. Second step, we had to commit to this project. Step three, cram our brains full of Pinterest ideas and methods.


After a lot of reading, skimming and online perusing…..we sort of have a plan. Since this was more of my idea than my husband’s, I was the first one to jump in and get my hands dirty. The very first thing I did was rip all the curtains, valances and blinds out of our camper. I can’t say that the camper stank, but it had this odd smell sort of like stale aftershave. I couldn’t deal with it, so down came the curtains. This camper is a hybrid camper so the pop-out beds have curtains for privacy as well, needless to say there was a lot of ugly smelly fabric in there. I finally, after 7 years of owning a sewing machine, learned how to use it. I used my chevron patterned fabric for the curtains and the paisley type print for the kitchen benches. I have been able to complete all the curtains, but still have one set of cushions left to cover.   Next, I started ripping up the tile looking peel-n-stick flooring. Easy-Peasy in my mind. Ha!! Well, not so easy, the floors were laid with extra adhesive. They’re so sticky that the glue left behind after ripping the floor up, will take the shoes right off your feet!! So, I halted the floor removal until I get it all painted. I can’t imagine the entire floor being one giant sticky mouse trap. The plan is nice pretty wood plank peel-n-stick for the floors once all the painting is finished.

Onto the massive undertaking of primering and painting all the cabinets, storage areas, breakfast benches, the bathroom door and any of the walls that are wood paneling. Shew!! What was I thinking? So, first thing to do remove all the cabinet doors, hardware and hinges. It took me about 2 1/2 hours just for that, but the bright side is, there’s plenty of storage. Then, onto the forever task of the primer coat. I initially thought it would need 2 coats of primer but, I’m seriously considering only 1 coast now. I used BullsEye 123 primer. It’s for all surfaces including paneling and plastic, plus it doesn’t require sanding. Score!! I’m painting with an angled trim brush and a mini foam roller for a smooth, even surface. Here are some pics of what I have done so far.

As you can see I have a long way to go, but where there’s a will there’s a way. My plan is to keep rollin’ and brushin’ until all cabinets and wood surfaces are white. My curtains are finished as well as one set of dinette cushions(one set to go). I will also be hanging the bed curtains once all the painting is done. Due to the lengthy nature of this project this will be a 2 part post. Fingers crossed, my next camper post will be a beautiful Pinterest worthy completed renovation!

DIY · Essential Oils · Spring

Spring is in the air…

…and so are the bugs!!!! One of the few things that I love about winter is the absence of bugs. Seriously, to be able to carelessly have doors open and play outside without the worry of bugs is something to love. Every year I’m amazed that the bugs and creepy crawlies out there know exactly when to emerge from their hole somewhere. While I appreciate their role in the ecosystem, I don’t appreciate them on or near me!

So, why not just spray the yard? Being the reptile and amphibian friendly girl that I am I absolutely hate spraying the grass with any sort of insect spray in the yard and I hate bug repellent, the smell itself is toxic. All joking aside, I have found a solution that meets all my crunchy momma criteria in a bug repellent.

Now, this is not bandwagon jumping thing. I just want to pass along how essential oils can save you and your littles this spring and summer season. Essential oils truly work to keep all the itchy, scratchy, stinging things away from you! There are a number of oils that are wonderful for keeping those pesks away and different oils repel different insects. So, what I do is make a blend of several oils in order to cover a broad base of various insects. Here is a list of essential oils as well as what type of insects these oils repel.

  • Cedarwood- mosquitoes, flies(includes gnats and biting flies) and ticks
  • Lavender-mosquitoes, flies and ticks
  • Peppermint-spiders, mosquitoes and ticks
  • Eucalyptus- mosquitoes, flies and ticks (not as safe on babies)
  • Lemongrass- mosquitoes, flies and ticks
  • Geranium-mosquitoes and flies
  • Lemon-mosquitoes and ticks
  • Terrashield-outdoor blend-mosquitoes, flies and ticks
  • Thyme -mosquitoes, flies and ticks

I mix 5 to 6 of these oils in a 4oz glass bottle, with 1/4 cup witch hazel and 1/4 cup distilled water. I do 10 drops of each oil. You can adjust the strength according to your preference. When applying, spray all over, especially ankles and bite prone areas. Reapply every 2 to 3 hours or as needed. Be sure to shake well every use as water and oil don’t mix!
Now you can protect yourself and your family from all sorts of bites and pests and not have to bathe your kids before bed!! This is huge for me, it would never fail that I would spray my kiddos down with some deet containing repellent and they would fall asleep on the way home or before I could get them inside. Waking a child up to bath them in the middle of the night has never gone over well here at my house, so this nontoxic and completely organic spray is a Big Deal for me!

I hope you love this essential oil blend as much as I do. I do encourage you to buy a high quality oil. Most essential oils found in retail stores, even organic stores are not quality, pure oils. If you need a source for purchasing high quality, trustworthy essential oils, my website is: